Bruwier Potatoes Bruwier Potatoes Bruwier Potatoes Bruwier Potatoes

Knowing the business

We are able to look over a long tradition, and that reaps benefits. More than 50 years’ experience are invaluable and inspire confidence among our suppliers and customers.


We select the best suppliers world-wide. In addition, our laboratory checks ensure that the potatoes always measure up to our standards.


The market is regularly liable to fluctuations. Insight into its workings and keeping abreast of developments gives us a head start on our competitors, a head start which our clients equally benefit from. You are therefore always welcome to ask us for advice and information.


We play on your side when it comes to market variations.

Financial security

We are in a very healthy financial state. This gives you plenty of opportunity to order your potatoes in advance at a fixed price.


We are famous for our punctuality. An agreement is an agreement, we keep to it !